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Monday, November 23, 2009

From the Director's Desk:

Wow...Two weeks from today is our first performance of The Other Wise Man. Where has the time gone?
So, I found out Friday night that Abgarus, the baritone in scene 1, has Swine Flu. Oh, excuse me...I mean the H1N1 Flu virus.... We blocked Scene1 on Saturday and with only two weeks to go until the performances, I felt it was in the best interest of the production and the cast to recast the role of Abgarus. (I'm keeping him on for the chorus and as the Voice...depending on how he feels as the time comes.) And now I am stuck singing the role. I'm a tenor!!! But thankfully, the baritone role of Abgarus was relatively easy to adapt...well, some what. I still have to sing a low A (I have problems singing a c sometimes!), but the low G's have been "altered" to an octave higher, which puts them right in my "mid-voice." Very nice for me.
Other then having just two weeks to learn this role, everything is going great. Costumes are coming together...Now if I can only get the bloody set built. Okay, it's just the "temple" for scene 1. I just need to fine the time to do it.

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