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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

From the Director's Desk:

As I mentioned in my last post, we've hit some bumps along the way. One of them happened about three hours before rehearsal last Thursday. We were getting ready to rehearse The Kiss by Alex Broun when I received a text from the director, Danica Yates, that Angela (one of the characters) has quit. We began a frantic search to replace her. I posted an ad on playersanonymous.org and we have received about ten interested people. We will be reading with them tonight, to see which of them, we feel, will fill the part best.
Also tonight, the cast for Dido and Aeneas will be able to rehearse with the conductor. The conductor, Sean Rogers, has come from Boise, Idaho to rehearse with them today. This will be a great treat for them. Sean is an amazing musician.
- Joey

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