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Friday, August 7, 2009

From the Director's Desk:

Holy Cow! It's been over a week since I posted anything. Well to sum up the events from this last week...Rehearsals are going great. We finished last night earlier then Tuesday night and things seemed to run smoother. (My assistant told me later, she felt it was because I had my "happy juice," aka, Pepsi.)
Also last night I was able to meet the boy who will play Aeneas son. I love that kid! He was/is a lot of fun to work with. Which gives me some "new found"...whatever to continue. I'm sure y'all will enjoy his performance.
This weekend we'll be building the flats which we'll use to "set" the stage so-to-speak. And everything else seems to be coming together well. (Not like I wanted, but if everything happened the way we wanted it to happen, life would be pretty boring. Besides, that's the beauty of live theatre.)

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