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Friday, November 20, 2009

From Behind the Curtain:

As the Stage Manager for UNIPAC’s up and coming performance of M. Ryan Taylor's: The Other Wise Man; I'd like to take a moment to thank Joey for the amazing opportunity. Thanks Joey, I’m really excited to be part of this show.
This show has an amazing story and with that comes an amazing set. We like to keep sets small because in retrospect it’s about the performance, not the background, though it is important to have a set that can flatter what you’re trying to get across on stage. We have five set changes for this show. (Well, one is already pre-set, (thank you Venus.)) My amazing visionary, Director/Producer (I just call him boss) has a gift for set design; and with that gift, comes all of my ultimate challenges. Right now I’m building rocks and if you knew of the materials I’ve found and what I had to do to find them, you’d have a good idea of why they call us Stage Managers “slightly off balance.”
Now, creating and exerting these sets is fairly simple. Taking the sets down in under 30 seconds and putting up something new without killing actors, falling off stage, tipping flats, and keeping my sanity in almost a pitch black atmosphere… that’s the “tricky” part.
I’m still searching for a stage crew of hopefully ten, and I’m trying to figure out how to get my fire pit to look about ten times more realistic then it did our last show. (What’s so bad about having a REAL fire on stage, I mean c’mon!) So far so good, Joey hasn’t yelled at me, (yet) and I’m desperately trying to keep it that way. I love my job. All in all everything seems to be coming together great and I believe the show will come off amazing.

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